Contacts Rediscover Yourself 's main office is located at 933 Anderson Dr. Green Bay, WI All Practitioners are Independent Bonnie Vincent - (920) 680-3479 Book Online ,Call or Text Steve Vincent - (920) 680- 1565 Book Online, Call or Text Contact Form Time limit is exhausted. Please reload the CAPTCHA. three − one = Your Name* Your Phone* Your Email* Your journey to health and happiness begins here, what could we help you with? AnxietyDepressionFear / PhobiaGrief / LossRelationshipsAngerAddictionStressOther Would you like us to contact you? No thank youYes, please email me.Yes, call mornings.Yes, call afternoon.Yes, call evening. Would you like to receive News & Specials? Yes please!No, not at this time. Comments