Can Holistic Sound healing Treat your Allergies?

Some days are more stressful than others. You may notice that your skin breaks out into red splotches or you are a little bit itchier than usual. When you’re stressed your body releases different hormones and chemicals into your body, for example: cortisol and adrenaline. This can affect your immune system and essentially have some wear and tear on your body. With a lower immune system your body is more susceptible to reacting to irritants or allergens.

Holistic Sound Healing can eliminate the stress in your life and can find the core root of where your stress is coming from. This could potentially be life saving. Stress causes a plethora of different diseases and conditions that harm your body. Your immune system is like a snowball effect, if something goes wrong chances are something else is going to go wrong. The stress in your life may be linked to subconscious thoughts that you are not aware of. Negative energy may be flowing through your life and it causes more negative experiences, which essentially lead to more stress.

In my personal experience with holistic sound healing I’ve noticed significant changes in the way my body reacts to stress. My chest used to break out in red splotches whenever I was stressed or nervous. This would cause me to be even more nervous because my body was reacting to something in a negative and scary way. Since Holistic sound healing my chest has stopped breaking out when I’m nervous or stressed. It still happens here and there, but it is not a daily occurrence like it used to be.

“I just wanted to let you know that I spent 2-3 hours on a couch full of cat hair and a cat on/near my lap with zero allergic reaction.  It was pretty unbelievable.  So it appears as if you’ve completely rid me of my cat allergy…” This is a testimonial from someone who has used Holistic Sound Healing. They were able to sit on a couch full of cats and not have an allergic reaction. It is incredible how emotions are linked to different aspects in our lives.

If you or someone you know is experiencing allergies or relies on constant medication to keep their allergies in control, check out Holistic Sound Healing. Clearing those negative emotions could have a positive impact on your overall health.


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