Dealing With Negative Thoughts

Everyone deals with negative thoughts. The average person has anywhere from 60,000 – 120,000 thoughts a day, 80% of them being negative. That is a lot of negativity to deal with in one day. No wonder we’re exhausted by the time we’re ready for bed. 


Thoughts can come out of nowhere, and sometimes we don’t have a choice of what pops into our brains, depending on the scenario. So how do we control our thoughts and emotions? The first step to releasing some of the negativity in your life is by deciding how you react to the negative thoughts. If you find yourself spiraling with a thought and you’re continuing the negativity, stop yourself in your tracks. Think of three positive phrases you can tell yourself for situations like these.


For example: Let’s say you are at work and you can’t figure something out. You find yourself thinking about how incapable you are, and questioning your intelligence. As soon as you notice these thoughts, think to yourself these positive phrases. “I am doing my best. I approve of myself. I allow myself to take a break.”


The positive phrases could be anything that means something to you. This will help break the patterns of negativity that we have created in our minds. We are physically rewiring our brains when we break patterns, causing new, more positive patterns.


This can be difficult in major scenarios, like a breakup or losing a job. In those instances, allow yourself to feel the emotions and honor the thoughts that come up. Once you allow yourself to grieve, start to break the pattern of unwanted thoughts by including positive phrases throughout the day when you start to notice yourself feeling heavy.


When we react to the thoughts that come into our minds, we tie an emotion to that thought, making it harder to forget or move on from. If you become angry at yourself for thinking something or frustrated that you keep thinking something, you are making it harder for yourself to move on. By simply acknowledging the thought, and detaching it from your identity, you are conquering that pattern. A thought is simply something that your ego created in your mind, it is not you, your personality, or your identity. It is nothing but a thought. And fortunately, we can change our thoughts whenever we choose to! You hold all of the power.


Here are some positive phrases to say to yourself when you are stuck in a negative thought:


  1. This is simply a thought, which I can change. I choose to think positive thoughts.
  2. I am at peace with myself.
  3. I can do anything I set my mind to. I am in control of my life.
  4. I approve of myself. I am worthy of my desires.
  5. Today is a good day. I am grateful for my life.

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