Epigenetics and Energy Sound Frequency Therapy

Epigenetics and Energy Sound Frequency Therapy

Epigenetics is the study of cellular and physiological traits and how external environments can affect our genes and how our cells are expressed. Dr. Bruce Lipton has studied and taught epigenetics since 1987, conducting numerous experiments on cells and their expression in correlation to their environment.


He believes that our cells aren’t necessarily influenced by hereditary genes, but the environment in which the cells are expressed. Since our bodies are constantly producing new cells every single day, the environment in which the cells are being produced are expressing the way these genes are displaying. So what environmental factors play a role in this cell expression?


Our thoughts.


That’s right, the phrase “What we think, we become” isn’t just a phrase. It is completely true. If we’re thinking negative thoughts, or thoughts enriched with fear, our cells will be expressed with that frequency. And by now, we know that negative emotions stored in the body can cause disease.


So how does epigenetics and energy sound frequency therapy intertwine? If we know that our thoughts become things and our emotions hold a specific frequency, we can understand that sound frequencies can help change our emotions.


If you’re feeling anxious or depressed and you can’t seem to get yourself out of that vibration, chances are you have stored emotions in your body. Through our energy sound frequency therapy process, we can pinpoint exactly which emotion is stored in your body through non force kinesiology, and then use specific and personalized sound frequencies to remove that stored emotion in your body.


So now when your new cells are forming in your body, they are forming at a higher frequency, allowing you to become a higher frequency person. High frequency emotions can include love, joy, happiness, gratitude and so much more. These emotions start to enrich your life and that is when you start to see your life change. This is also how we can prevent disease and heal our bodies.


The mind is extremely powerful, you can be anything you want to be, you can heal your life and you can enjoy life again.


Reach out to us if you’re interested in booking an energy sound frequency therapy session. We also do remote sessions and are happy to answer any questions.


Please contact Bonnie or Steve if you are interested in being trained in this field to become an independent energy sound therapy practitioner at www.rediscoveryourselfint.com

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