
If you are experiencing guilt in your life chances are you went through something traumatic or life changing. Even if you didn’t go through something traumatic you are holding onto a deep rooted emotion that you are not able to rid yourself of. This could be from disobeying your mother as a teenager and building resent, or cheating on a significant other. Guilt doesn’t even have to be present in such dramatic ways. You could feel guilty for cheating yourself of things you deserve. If you look inwardly, guilt can sometimes be present as a symptom of depression. You are lacking the confidence you need to feel worthy enough of certain situations and encounters and you may feel guilty about that. If someone spends money on you or you feel you are undeserving of being treated a certain way, you may be experiencing a lack of self worth which can lead to depressing thoughts.

But fear no more; you no longer have to be neither guilty nor depressed. Through Holistic Sound Healing we are able to distinguish what memories and thoughts are linked to your deep-rooted guilt and give you a more positive outlook on situations and even life! Therapy can suppress your guilt and make it easier to deal with, but Holistic Sound Healing will give you an opportunity to break free from those emotions. But in the mean time it is important to tell yourself different things to assist you in your process of not feeling guilty. In order to do this you can tell yourself these affirmations.

“I am the master of my own feelings and I will learn from my mistakes. Nobody is perfect and I will learn and grow.”

“I am worthy of amazing experiences and opportunities. I will accept what comes into my life with gratitude and open arms.”

“I am perfect just the way I am. I believe in myself and the people around me.”

“Today is the best day to let go of the past. I am worthy of a brighter day. I will not hurt the people in my life by past mistakes. I will show them I am a better person with each and every day.”

These are some affirmations that can assist your brain into not feeling guilt any longer. Your thoughts are what ultimately control what you feel. Do you have the power to control your guilt?

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