Holistic Sound Healing for the Skeptic

Holistic Sound Healing isn’t widely known and for some, it can be a skeptical experience. The idea that sound can heal your mind and body can be a hard concept to grasp. But I am here to explain to you how it works. And the only way I can actually prove to you that it works is by using facts and science!

To start, it is important to know that every life form on this planet depends on the electromagnetic field of vibration (Schumann Resonance Frequency). Our planet is electrically positive charged and the earth’s surface has a negative charge. Our Earth’s ionosphere cavity is created by the conductive surface of the earth and the outer boundary of the ionosphere. The tension in this cavity is relieved by lightning. Lightning has a frequency between 1kHz and 30 kHz. Lightning produces electromagnetic waves in very low frequency.

It wasn’t until Dr. Ankermueller made the connection between Schumann’s resonance and the alpha rhythm of brainwaves. The frequency found in the environment was almost identical to the frequency found in our brains. Dr. Ludwig furthered this theory by doing more research. He tested the environmental frequencies in large cities and near the ocean and found that the frequency waves were stronger near the ocean. This was due to good electrical conductivity. This is why when people go to the beach or after a big storm sometimes they feel refreshed, it’s because of the strong frequency.

Dr. Ludwig also researched old Chinese teachings about achieving perfect health. He discovered that in order to achieve perfect health, the Schumann wave simulation needed the geomagnetic signal to balance the human body. They experimented with student volunteers. They placed them in an underground bunker, which screened out magnetic fields. The students lived in the sealed environment for a month. The student’s circadian rhythms changed and they suffered from emotional distress and headaches. Once the experiment was over they were exposed to 7.8 Hz and were healthy again.

So what does all of this mean? Basically your brain is consisted of neurons and they use electricity to communicate with each other. This creates a brainwave pattern. The higher the brainwave frequency the harder it is to concentrate and it becomes more difficult to produce those feel-good chemicals like endorphins or dopamine. By lowering our brain frequency we can concentrate more and become more balanced. The positive and negative frequencies in the air that are created from our ionosphere have a large effect on how our brain frequencies function. Being by the ocean, there are plenty of negative ions and lower frequency so we may feel calmer. Being in a large city there is a lot of air pollution and toxicity in the air producing positive ions that have a higher frequency and may affect our brains in a negative way.

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