How Coaches Can Help Their Clients Heal

If you are a life coach, career coach or any type of coach that connects with people and improves their lives with mindset shifts and actionable steps, then you might want to consider becoming an energy sound frequency therapy practitioner.

We all know that what we think, we create; however, some of our clients may have emotional blockages that we can’t always solve by just talking. These could be deeply rooted traumas, limited beliefs and other emotions trapped in the subconscious.

So how does it work?

Through the use of non-force kinesiology, a practitioner will connect with a client’s energy and find the emotion causing an imbalance in the body. They created specifically developed sound frequencies to target issues rooted in the client’s subconscious and body. Quantum physics tells us that everything in this world is made up of atoms, and atoms vibrate at a certain frequency. If we will improve the frequency in our energy field, release negative emotions for success, happiness.

How do you become a practitioner?

There are no prerequisites to obtaining this certification. You don’t need a degree or any higher education. This practice is best for people who are passionate about helping others improve their quality of life and develop a higher level of self-awareness. You can obtain certification through a 9 consecutive day course. Once completed, you will have all the information and tools you need on starting your own business or adding to your existing business. You will also have a network of certified sound frequency therapy practitioners to collaborate with and get support from.

Why should you take this step?

By becoming a certified Energy Sound Frequency Therapy Practitioner, you are creating more opportunities for your clients to release old ways of thinking and limiting beliefs. You can help them reach their goals quicker, help them lead healthier lives, and eliminate any negativity that is holding them back. It sets your clients up for success. You are also joining a movement of forward-thinking wellness professionals that incorporate sound frequency with their healing methods. Check out some of our testimonials from existing clients.


Check out our FAQ page filled with commonly asked questions. If this is something you are interested in, please feel free to contact Bonnie or Steve Vincent to set up a consultation and see if this is the right career path for you. 

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