how damaging are your passive thoughts?

How Damaging Are Your Passive Thoughts?

What is a passive thought?

We all have more than 6,000 thoughts per day, a majority of them the same as the day before. Why is that? Because we create patterns in our brains that cause us to have the same thoughts that line up with our frequency. 


Do you have a bad habit that you can’t break? The belief that you can only make a certain amount of money? The thought that you’re not good enough for something? The same health concern or body pain that frequently occurs?


These beliefs are tied to the same narrative that you play in your brain every day.


How can we change?

But how do we change this? Are we able to catch every single thought that goes through our brain?


The short answer is no, we can’t catch every single thought that goes through our brain. But we can check in with ourselves and see how we’re feeling throughout the day. Oftentimes we ignore so many context clues that indicate we’re feeding ourselves a toxic narrative. The best way to get to the root cause of these negative belief patterns is by doing shadow work.


Shadow work is a term that describes digging into the cause of your beliefs, your traumas, your learned behaviors and thoughts and making peace with these things and recognizing that they no longer serve your higher good. This isn’t necessarily easy, but it gives your brain a new way of thinking and recognizing thoughts and behaviors. It allows your brain to create new pathways. A great way to release emotions tied to your past events is through energy sound frequency therapy. This releases the emotion stored in your body and allows your subconscious to vibrate at a higher frequency.


Another great technique to help heal is through inner child healing. Picture yourself as a child, would you say the things you think about yourself to the child version of yourself? Instead, picture yourself saying loving and kind things to the child version of yourself. Deep down, we are all just inner children waiting for ourselves to be kind and love ourselves again. 


How to heal

At the end of the day, the best way to heal is to have more self love. We can heal our bodies and minds by simply accepting ourselves and feeling worthy just as we are. We don’t need the answers to everything, and the best way to truly heal is to forgive ourselves.


Please reach out if you’re interested in an energy sound frequency therapy session to help release some of the emotions in your body. We’re happy to answer any questions. We also provide remote sessions.

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