How stress can be good for you

Everyone knows that stress can have many negative side effects to your body. It can lead to heart problems, digestive problems, chronic pain, and central nervous system difficulties among many other things. Stress is overall bad for your body and when not treated it can affect your entire system.

Thinking about how stress affects your body is enough to stress you out! It’s a vicious cycle that doesn’t leave much room for comfort. But according to a study through Harvard, people who viewed stress as a good thing ended up not experiencing the harmful effects from stress. By telling yourself that stress is good for the body and that it is helping you complete your tasks or challenges in a more efficient way, stress will not be perceived as harmful to your body.

When you are stressed your blood vessels constrict and your blood pressure rises. However, when you view your stress, as a good thing you are no longer worrying about it and your blood vessels will relax. Now you are only left with an increased heart rate, which can be a good thing. That is the way your body reacts when you are experiencing joy and pleasure. Your body releases stress hormones into the body, when it experiences something arousing or fearful. Both release stress hormones.

By changing the way you perceive a situation or how you think about something, you can change your life. Only thinking negatively will only give you negative results. Perceiving negative situations as a positive or benefit, you will be able to change the outcome or the way you feel during that situation. For example, lets say that you have a fear of roller coasters. You are waiting in line for the roller coaster, your heart is pounding and your palms are sweaty. You can’t stop thinking about how nervous you are. You just got in the cart of the roller coaster and you can’t stop shaking. Instead of thinking about how treacherous this experience is going to be, stop and tell yourself that your body is preparing you to be very excited. By turning your adrenaline into happy thoughts, you will be able relax your blood vessels and become less stressed. Throughout the ride you may even tell yourself that this is fun and you want to do it again! By the time the ride is over, your knees may still be shaking but you have a smile across your face. Although you were stressed throughout the whole time, you were telling yourself you were having fun and that enabled you to become less anxious. And the more rides you go on and practice that thought pattern you may even enjoy it!

So what happens when you know that you are stressed out but you still can’t make yourself think that it is a good thing? Holistic Sound Healing is a great way to release that fear of stress that we all have buried deep down. By releasing your fears of having anxiety or stress we are able to live our lives without worrying about what will happen if we are stressed out. Which that thought alone can give you enough stress! Our bodies are connected in every way. If something in your body is compromised, the rest of your body will be affected. It is important to remember that by viewing your body as a holistic being, your whole life will be healthier. Holistic sound healing is the first step in managing your emotions and finding a healthier solution to the different problems or difficulties in your life. By eliminating stress you are opening the doors to a healthier life.

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