Helping Anxiety Without Medication

How To Help Anxiety Without Medication

If you’ve been diagnosed with anxiety, you know how easy it is to be prescribed a medication. Medications are great for those who need them and cannot function without them, but for others it shouldn’t always be the first answer like it so often is prescribed. Medications can be intimidating and feel extremely overwhelming, especially when they’re not properly explained or consumed. But how do you find relief when talk therapy is expensive, time consuming and often not covered by insurance?

Energy Sound Frequency Therapy is designed to help people feel relief from their anxiety almost immediately. By using non force kinesiology to test your body and discover what subconscious emotion is stored in your body, we are able to identify how severe the anxiety is and how much sound frequency is needed to eliminate it. This process takes anywhere from 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours depending on the severity and amount of sound frequency needed. It’s affordable and accessible. We offer remote sessions on top of our in-person visits located at our Green Bay, WI office.

If the concept of sound frequencies to relieve anxiety seems “out there’ or “impossible” we understand that it’s a new concept for many. However, looking at it from a physics point of view may be easier to understand. Everything is made up of atoms. Every single atom vibrates at its own frequency. Every cell in our body is made up of atoms vibrating at different frequencies. When a cell is compromised, so is the frequency of that atom. It is no longer vibrating at the frequency it once was. By increasing the frequency of your body, we are getting you back into alignment. Emotions carry certain frequencies and can affect the way our bodies feel and perform. A low frequency emotion can cause stress, and stress can cause disease. That “dis-ease” in the body can be treated with frequency.

We don’t always know where or how or why we stored a specific emotion in our body. In fact, most of the time we are not conscious of it at all. Which is why this works so well. You don’t need hours of talking to a therapist, trial and error of finding the right medication or adjusting your life. We are using the science of sound frequency to change lives.

Please reach out if you have any additional questions. We are happy to speak with you and help you further understand what we do and how we can help.

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