Woman smiling in wind

How You’ll Find Success Once You Ditch Stress

There’s a notion in our society that in order to be successful, you have to put in an exponential amount of hard work and endure a lot of stress. Many people paint success as a monetary goal achieved, or a status that is gained.

But the truth is, success can mean a lot of things and ultimately it is the opposite of stress. Success can be a well balanced life, surrounded by positive people, places and things. It can mean having peace and kindness in your heart. Success can be defined as loving what you do, even if it doesn’t make you a million dollars or give you the status that you’re looking for. However, when we do find success in this sense, it is almost always rewarded with the extrinsic goals we desire as well.

How Does This Work?

For example: You quit your corporate job to become a full time writer. At first the pay may not be good or the stability seems to waiver, but you trust your intuition and continue to follow your passion. Now there’s two paths you could go down. You could stress about it and work yourself up and put in extra hours thinking of ways you can be successful and potentially burn yourself out, or you could keep your peace, remain calm and place your energy on what you love to do, writing. In the second scenario, you’re placing your energy towards improving and not wasting your energy on stress and negative emotions.

When we take out the negative emotions and stop feeding our energy towards stress, overwhelm and anxiety, we are connecting to a higher source to guide us where we need to be. We are also increasing our vibration and aligning with the opportunities that will get us to where we need to go.

So if you’re living a life that is filled with stress or you have a job that no matter what, you can’t find yourself happy with, it may be time to reevaluate. Stress does not equal success. Long hours does not equal success. Money and status does not equal success. Success is how you feel on the inside, how you feel about what you do and how you align with others and the universe.And once you are aligned, that is when the opportunities flow to you, the money follows and the people that are meant to be in your life.

How Do We Achieve This?

Of course it sounds easier said than done, but the truth is, it is just that easy if you choose to let it be that easy. Our minds will think of a million reasons when we’re faced with discomfort, but that is the ego taking over. Once we are able to recognize the ego and differentiate it from our soul’s purpose, that is when we are able to make decisions that are in alignment with our highest good. When we hit this point, everything we were seeking will come to us with very little or no effort at all.

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