The Mind Body Connection & Preventing Disease

The Mind-Body Connection & Preventing Disease

When it comes to taking care of our bodies, we know that preventative measures are always more favorable than dealing with disease. When people hear they have a terminal illness or have to live with something for the rest of their lives, their mind immediately goes into shock and acts in a place of fear. Instead of figuring out what their body needs holistically, they put all of their energy into fighting the fire.


Many people will say that “Oh, it’s genetics, I was bound to get it.” or “This is just what happens to people my age.” But the truth is, that’s not technically true. 

What are the facts?

Studies from Dr. Bruce Lipton shows that our genes are influenced by our environment. That means, when you live in an environment that is conducive to stress, anger and negative emotions, your body remains in fight or flight, activating your sympathetic nervous system. When this occurs, your genes are susceptible to disease.


In Dr. Deepak Chopra’s Radical Well Being he talks about how our genes are responsive to our lifestyle, and that meditation can heal our bodies. And if we can use our minds to heal our bodies, that means we can also use our minds to harm our bodies through stress. He claims that 95% of diseases are caused by stress and the implications that has on the body. 

How to change

But how can we change our environment when our world isn’t always conducive to that? We have jobs, families, overexposure and connection to everything in the palm of our hands. As a society, we are more stressed than ever.


There are many things we can do to heal ourselves. The first and obvious ones are sleep, diet, and exercise. Our genes respond to meditation and our thoughts. Before bed and when you wake up in the morning are optimal times to meditate because your body is still in theta, a frequency that is connected to the unconscious mind. This allows you to connect to a higher source and raise your frequency, making you less reactive to the environment around you. And in turn, this decreases the inflammation in your body. Less inflammation = less disease.


Energy Sound Frequency Therapy is a great way to remove the lower vibrational frequencies in your body by raising your frequency. We store emotions in our body every single day. Whether we’re aware of it or not. It can take years to uncover stored emotions and release them. But Energy Sound Frequency Therapy can release them immediately. This brings you into a state of alignment, making it easier for you to meditate and keep your body in a parasympathetic response.


When it comes down to it, preventing disease is easier than we think. Instead of using negative energy to worry and program our bodies to believe that we are genetically inclined to get a certain disease, it’s beneficial to program our minds to believe that we hold all the power. Through meditation, energy sound frequency therapy, diet, exercise, lifestyle and our thoughts, we can influence our lives in significant positive ways that benefit more than just our health. If we start living in a positive and aligned state, we won’t have to wait until we’re living with a disease to realize we deserve so much more in our lives.

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