Re-Programming Your Brain

Struggling with a mental illness can be difficult. But what happens when you have done everything you can and you’re still not seeing results? You’ve done the therapy and you’ve tried the medication. Maybe you’ve even tried meditation or hypnosis or all of the above. You may be frustrated and hopeless which does not help your mental state to begin with. Holistic Sound Healing is a great way to clear any of those negative emotions that you have stored in your body. You are not your mental illness, you just happen to be living with a mental illness. But that is all it is. It’s an illness. And with the proper help you WILL get through it.

Holistic sound healing targets the different emotions that your body is storing. Whether you deal with depression, anxiety, OCD or any other type of mental illness, holistic sound healing can pinpoint what emotions you are feeling and potentially why you are feeling them.

Mental illness can be difficult when you are constantly told you will be battling it forever or, at the very least, a long time. Through holistic sound healing you can actually find relief and not be trapped by this illness. It is difficult to break free from the chains of mental illness when you are constantly told that you are different or ill or have a disorder. By changing your mindset you can open a world of possibilities.

Bob Proctor once gave the example in an interview with the Networking Times Magazine. “I’ll give you a good example for your readers to try. Question to the readers: are you right-handed, or left-handed? Okay, now I’m going to ask you to sign your name. Sign your name on a piece of paper. Now put the pen in your other hand. Don’t just read this—put your pen in your other hand. You can feel the tension building in your body. Your mind reacts to it. You think ‘I don’t write with my left hand. This is so uncomfortable. It’s so cumbersome. I’m going to make such a mess. I’m going to make myself look foolish, and what will my neighbor say?’ We’re not programmed to write with our other hand. People are programmed to live a certain way. What we’re saying is change the programming. It’s like learning a new language. It’s almost as if you go home and your family doesn’t speak English any longer, but French or Spanish. Eventually, you would learn what they are saying, but it would be extremely difficult and very stressful at the beginning.”

Mental illness can be compared to this. By using your opposite hand to write, or by choosing a different way to think of something, you will start gaining a new skill or a new behavior. At first it can be very stressful and almost tedious, but through time it will become natural. By changing the way you think you are opening up a possibility to a new way of life. This could even potentially eradicate your mental illness! I’m no doctor, so I have no guarantee. However, I know for a fact that positive thinking can go a long way. By telling yourself your different goals and objectives and implementing them into your daily life, you have the potential of changing your life! By changing the way you think and using Holistic Sound Healing as a way of dealing with your emotions, you will be overall happier and lead a healthier life.

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