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Sound Frequencies Targeting Negative Emotions

The universe communicates through vibrations which are also known as energy or frequencies. Everything vibrates at different frequencies with no exceptions. A healthy human body vibrates between 62 and 68 hertz while you are up and going for your day. When we become ill or get into a negative state, our frequency will drop. The opposite happens when we are in a state of happiness or gratitude as our levels increase.

People who experience the best lives try to keep their thoughts positive as much as possible. Positive thoughts will put you in a higher vibration. For some of us, this can be a very daunting task. There are an endless number of experiences in today’s world that can create a negative state of being. Kudos to those that have a level of awareness and choose to reject those negative thoughts and ideas before they become lodged in one’s body. For the other 97% of us, we could possibly need some assistance with the baggage we are hauling around, especially when it can effect our relationships and physical well being. A point to remember here is that your thoughts are energy and you attract similar energies. Like a magnet, you will pull others toward you who are on the same frequency as yourself.

For thousands of years sound frequencies have been used to aid in healing. With the use of Tibetan signing bowls, drums and gongs, our ancestors have known and utilized the power of sound. Sound frequencies are now making a comeback in the field of energy healing, however, we are doing it a bit differently today thanks to advancements in technology.

Health issues, headaches, body aches, skin problems, heaviness in the heart or chest can many times be the result of trapped emotions. This is especially true when there has not been any accident or physical injury to explain aches and pains. If you have been to your medical doctor and gone through testing with no explanation as to why you have pain or other issues, you may want to see if you have trapped negative emotions that could be the root cause. Scientific studies have linked trapped emotions with over 85% of health issues.

Finding what emotions are trapped in an individual is done by muscle testing the person. This is a non invasive way for a skilled Rediscover Yourself Sound Therapy Practitioner to find out what a body has stored, it’s location, the specific sound frequency needed, as well as the amount of time that is required to release the emotion. The entire session including a brief consultation is complete in about 2 hours. The results are many times immediate but it may take up to two days for the individual to get the full effect. When comparing this to the length of time it can take for the effects of medications, this is extremely fast. Unlike most pharmaceuticals, there are no negative side effects when properly using sound. There are no age limits either, as this has been effective for everyone from infants to great grandparents.

High levels of anxiety, fear, stress, anger, guilt, grief and suppressed emotions are very common for a majority of people today. Greatly reducing or eliminating the occurrences of these experiences and the repetitive thoughts that feed them is what Sound Therapy can do for an individual. In as few as one – three sessions, the client can be in a much better place. The positive changes that clients report back reaffirms the effectiveness of this modality.

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