The Blame Game

We all know somebody who immediately places the blame on someone else whenever something goes wrong. Maybe we are that person; maybe we live with that person. Either way it can become stressful to handle those constant feelings of anger and denial.
There is a breakdown that happens in the blamer’s mind when their actions don’t go as planned or they have unintended results.
1. Protect core beliefs
2. Meet their desires
3. Coping with their emotional state by judging others

All these processes that go through the blamer’s mind comes down to one simple trait. They engage in selfish behavior. These people believe that by placing the blame on someone else, they are protecting their core beliefs and therefore in denial. Blaming other people will make them feel less guilty and satisfy their inner desire to feel good about themselves. If the blamer is flustered or even embarrassed, it is easier to pick out the flaws in others to over rule the fact that they messed up. It is a simple process that can cause a lot of drama.

Selfishness is a short-term fulfilling behavior that takes no concern of other people or long-term consequences. So how can we determine if someone is selfish? Typically a selfish person has low self-esteem and therefore will do anything to make him or herself feel/look better. They look for short-term solutions that will give them some type of satisfaction. This brings us right back to the blame game. Blaming someone is a short-term solution that gives you immediate satisfaction.

People who are constantly blaming typically do not realize they are doing this. It is a pattern in their minds that is impossible to discover unless you are forced to see it. Do you ever find yourself having bad situations happen to you? Is negativity constantly surrounding your life? Are the people you are surrounded with dealing with the same problems you are? Holistic Sound Healing can help give you that positive energy back in your life. You will find yourself surrounded by more positive people and the ability to identify situations more clearly. You won’t feel as much hate or conflict in your life. The energy you give off is the energy you receive and find yourself surrounded by. Take a hard look at the group of people you are surrounded by and evaluate the different decisions in your life. A few sessions of sound healing could change your life!

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