The Patterns In Our Lives Are Not Permanent

The Patterns In Our Lives Are Not Permanent

Do you run into common patterns in your life? For example, are you constantly pleasing other people? Do you find yourself in financial stress? Do you attract poor relationships? These can be signs that you have limited beliefs that are turning into patterns into your life.

What’s great about patterns, is that once you recognize them you can change them.

But how? You might ask.

Limiting beliefs are thoughts that we choose to think every day. A thought is something that can be changed by thinking a new thought. So instead of choosing to think the negative, limiting thoughts, create affirmations to say when you catch yourself slipping into an old pattern.

For example, you get a bonus at work but then there’s a problem with your car that you have to spend money on. You may have a limiting belief that you are not worthy of having money, or on some level you believe in burdens or debt. When you catch fearful and limiting thoughts once you receive money or think about money, tell yourself these affirmations:

“I deserve an abundance of money.”
“Wealth comes easily to me and it is mine to keep.”
“I am worthy of money.”

You may not believe it at the moment, but these affirmations will help train your brain to think of new thoughts.

Think of it like a train that normally goes on the same track, but the conductor switches the route onto a new track, bringing the train to a new place.

A lot of our beliefs are things we picked up or learned from childhood. They are beliefs that have been passed down from generations that served a purpose back then, but no longer fit into our lives. It’s our job to break those patterns and create new, positive beliefs that can expand the boundaries of our lives.

“If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.” – Louise Hay

What’s a limiting belief that you want to change? How would it change your life?

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