What is Your Neural Network?

Everything in the human body works together. Our nervous system, our limbic system, our lymphatic system, our organs, our muscles, everything functions innately with every cell and atom of your body. So when one thing is imbalanced, or you’re experiencing a certain emotion for a long time, your whole body will be affected by this issue.

Everyone is constantly being exposed to outside factors that may affect the body. Our society is always living at a certain level of fight or flight, activating our cortisol levels and creating adrenal fatigue. This alone can cause imbalances.

We are also exposed to more on a daily basis through our phones than our ancestors were exposed to their whole lives. The information overload and constant stimulation can also interfere with our hormones and nervous system.

Mental health diagnoses have increased exponentially over the years and the United States has become one of the most medicated nations. The more you think a thought, the more nerves grow to create that belief, and those beliefs can turn into different ailments in your body. What you think is what you become. This means that whatever frequency you are thinking consistently, can also be the same frequency as certain diseases.

That neural network carries that specific disease, sickness, ailment throughout your body and you are living in that negative frequency and that disease. If you feel trapped by a condition, we need to start by changing the frequency of the body and that starts by changing your thoughts and changing your belief system. Once your beliefs change, your perception of reality changes.

Once your reality changes you’ll start to pick and choose things that support your beliefs. This can include careers, relationships, paths and decisions. On the other hand, if you have a belief that you can’t get better, you will tag an emotion to that belief and it will feel impossible to see any other reality. You will also choose your career, relationships and life path, but it may not feel in alignment to your soul.

So how can we help? This is a lot of information and can feel overwhelming. It’s important to remember that you have control over your life, you have control over your thoughts and you can change at any point. The first steps to creating a new neural network is by being intentional with your day to day life. See how you feel when you do things, what thoughts are you thinking, how could you be kinder and more forgiving to yourself? The second step is to journal, meditate and find a practice that centers and grounds you. Speaking affirmations and doing some shadow work will help get to the root beliefs.

Once you start to live more intentionally, incorporating energy sound frequency therapy into your life will help eliminate some of the emotions tied to certain beliefs so you can break free of certain patterns in your life. This will immediately raise your vibration and create a new reality for you. And by incorporating the tools you have already been working on, you will start to see changes in your life quickly.

It’s not always easy listening to your thoughts, in fact it’s not entirely possible. We have over 6,200 thoughts a day. That’s more than 4 thoughts every single minute. But if we can notice the patterns of our thoughts, that will give you the key of what beliefs need to be changed.

Reach out to us if you have any questions or are interested in an energy sound frequency therapy session. We’re more than happy to help!

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